Excecutive Committee for Term 2025-2026

We are pleased to announce the list of excutive committee members for term 2025-2026.

Executive Committee Members (2025-2026)

PresidentSadao Kurohashi, Kyoto University
Vice PresidentMin Zhang, Soochow University
SecretaryWei Lu, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Honorary TreasurerLiang-Chih Yu, Yuan Ze University
Web MasterMinghui Dong, COLIPS, Singapore
Member-at-LargeThepchai Supnithi, NECTEC
Member-at-LargeSeung-Hoon Na, Chonbuk National University
Member-at-LargeJing Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Member-at-LargeKoichiro Yoshino, Institute of Science Tokyo