
(A) Conference Coordinating Committee (CCC)

This committee shall have the responsibilities to:

  • coordinate the activities of the conferences under AFNLP.
  • organise and supervise the AFNLP flagship conference.
  • interact with other influential international conferences, and hold joint events when it is appropriate.
  • make recommendations to the Board to approve the admission of new conferences under the AFNLP coordination, and
  • make recommendations to the Board to remove inactive conferences from AFNLP.

Chapter of Conferences Coordination Committee Home

(B) Asian Language Resources Committee (ALRC)

This committee shall have the responsibilities to:

  • Coordinate the activities of resource building activities in the region
  • Interact with international initiatives of resource building and standardization activities
  • To make recommendations to the Board to initiate Asian-wide cooperation on resource building and related research

(C) Communications and Liaison Committee (CLC)

This committee shall have the responsibilities to

  • Promote the profile of the AFNLP in the international community
  • Facilitate communication among members of the AFNLP and researchers in the region
  • Maintain official records of activities of the AFNLP such as proceedings of academic gatherings in the region, minutes of AFNLP meetings

(D) Nominations and Constitutional Affairs Committee (NCAC)

This Committee shall have the following responsibilities to recommend to the Board for approval by two thirds majority upon the endorsement of the Executive Committee.

  • To nominate at least one candidate for Vice-President
  • To nominate candidates for the Chairs of the Committees.
  • To propose new representative(s) to the Board.