Author Archive: afnlp


The 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP 2020) will be held as a virtual conference from December 4th to December 7th, 2020.  For…
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New Officers for Term 2019-2021

The election of the AFNLP officers for term 2019-2021 has been completed. The new elected officers are: President: Chengqing Zong, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Vice President: Jong Park, KAIST, Korea Secretary General:  Kentaro Inui, Tohoku University, Japan Honorary Treasurer: Thepchai Supnithi, NECTEC, NSTDA, Thailand Chair of CLC (Communications…
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Outcome of MAL Election

Dear AFNLP Members, Thank you very much for your support to AFNLP! The Members-at-Large election has been successfully completed. The new elected  MALs are: Olivia Kwong, Hong Kong Liang-Chih Yu, Taiwan Derek F. Wong, Macau Congratulations. I am looking forward…
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